Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Living Even Keeled When Your Ship's Run Aground

Do you notice people who seem to always have it together? Do you see people who are going through negative circumstances beyond their control, yet they are smiling as if they just fell in love. Do you think they are in denial? Do you secretly think to yourself..."idiot."

Those things are a possibility. There are people who do not allow themselves to see the negatives in life, and live in a fantasy world where clouds drop candy and rainbows come and visit them in their backyard. However, there are people who are fully aware of the devastation that is approaching them or has already run them over and they still have a peaceful countenance. That is the kind of person I want to be. That even keeled individual who does not waver in their attitude or direction.

This morning I was observing how one day it can seem like everything is out of place, dumped out and messy and in one night you can wake up and it all falls into it's proper place again. That's an example in the short term of the way life is for a child of God.

A ship run aground or put in at a point too shallow will cause the boat to lean one way or another. Boats are not made flat, they have a rounded or pointed bottom to balance well in the water.

sometimes life has us lopsided and it feels that we cannot get straight. It may be any number of reasons that we find ourselves there, but it happens to everyone. At one point or another you find yourself aground and uneven.

How do we remain even keeled when there is no level place to stand?

Do not: adjust your life to "un-even" circumstances. That would be like straightening all the pictures in the boats cabin when it is sitting un-even. Or rearranging the furniture to accommodate the incline of the floor. If you do this, you'll end up having to adjust all over again once the tide comes in and evens out the boat.

Do: Live today, knowing that your circumstances are not directing your life. Instead, your circumstances are subject to His direction, His will for your life and His great love for you. The tide has never stayed always comes in. The sun has never refused to always comes up. God's will for you is going to happen but you will have no appreciation for it if you have adjusted your life to defeat instead of victory.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.

Honor the LORD with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine.

Proverbs 3:5-10 NKJV

Live knowing that these words are true and will be evident in your life:

"He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps."

Psalm 40:2 NKJV

Look around your home, office or even your car and consider things you have purchased or moved or in some way adjusted in order to accommodate defeat. Then, adjust it for victory. This is a step of faith that requires you to look at your future as a promise of good things. You will see the tide come in and the less you have to adjust back the easier it will be to see and understand God's great work in you and for you.

Then leave a comment to encourage others. Your sisters love to hear about your victories.